‘We could not have coped with the awful inquest process alone’
SUDEP Action is continuing to work with the family of Charlie Marriage, who died from SUDEP in June 2021 after spending two days trying to get his anti-seizure medication via NHS 111, his health centre and local pharmacy.

“We got a brilliant result from the Coroner who is sending a prevention of future deaths report to NHS England about the problems with NHS111.
We could not have coped with the awful inquest process or navigated our way to this result without the help of SUDEP Action. They have been incredible, especially Jane, Julia and Rob. Thank you all so much and we look forward to working with you in the future to ensure the Coroner’s recommendations are fully implemented.”
Henrietta Hastings, mother of Charlie Marriage
SUDEP Action is continuing to work with the family of Charlie Marriage, who died from SUDEP in June 2021 after spending two days trying to get his anti-seizure medication via NHS111, his health centre and local pharmacy.
In this video, Henrietta talks about the heart breaking challenges her family faced through the inquest process and her belief that more must be done to recognise the needs of grieving families.
See Charlie’s story here.
If you would like to speak to us about support in the aftermath of a death, please email support@sudep.org or call 01235 772852.