Get involved

Regular giving

By Direct Debit

SUDEP Action relies on your donations and your support for everything we do. Every donation, large or small, is precious to us because we do not receive any Government funding.

Our work makes a difference to people’s lives and that’s down to you.

Direct Debit is the most popular way to give regularly, either monthly, quarterly or yearly. Just follow the link below to set up – select ‘regular donation’ and fill in the form. We will notify you to confirm the direct debit has been set up.

Regular giving

By Standing Order

To make a regular gift by standing order contact the fundraising team for our bank details.

You can then organise the standing order directly with your bank or building society.  If you are eligible and would like to add gift aid, please complete the attached form.

Regular giving

Regular giving through a Government approved ‘Give as You Earn’ agency

This is a popular way to make regular donations as it is tax efficient. Donations are taken from your pay before tax but after National Insurance. While Gift aid cannot be claimed, many employers offer incentives for GAYE donations, often matching the donation made. Your employer may already be registered with a GAYE agency.  If your employer is not, you can use this link to view the list of approved agencies

Also see


Our events bring people together

We welcome suggestions for new partnerships

Leave a gift in your will

For one-to-one support after an epilepsy death contact our support team today

We provide the only support line for people bereaved by an epilepsy death and offer access to qualified counselling. Our dedicated support team has a special interest in, and understanding of, sudden and traumatic death.

Call our support team

If you are in the UK or Ireland we can talk with you by email or telephone. Our support team will do its best to give you what you need.

If you are outside the UK we will try and put you in touch with services available in your country.

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Join our mailing list to receive regular emails filled with supporter information, news and events.

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Sharing your experience with others going through the same thing is a really helpful tool for dealing with grief.

We always welcome suggestions for new partnerships that can bring mutual benefits to both us and your organisation.