Thanks to your donations we can save lives
How to give to SUDEP Action
Set up a JustGiving page to boost fundraising. For more ideas, support and help, contact
Cheques should be payable to SUDEP Action and sent to: SUDEP Action, 18 Newbury Street, Wantage, Oxon, OX12 8DA. Also send the form below if you would like SUDEP Action to claim Gift Aid on your cheque donation.
Inspiring change, even when you’re gone
Leave a gift in your will
If you have already remembered SUDEP Action in your will, we’d love to hear from you. We would like to thank you properly for your support and share with you how we can acknowledge your gift.
If leaving a gift in your will is something you are considering, or would like to discuss further, please get in touch via
Thank you!
Regular giving to SUDEP Action.
For one-to-one support after an epilepsy death contact our support team today
We provide the only support line for people bereaved by an epilepsy death and offer access to qualified counselling. Our dedicated support team has a special interest in, and understanding of, sudden and traumatic death.
*UK numbers only, texts are charged at your mobile phone operator’s standard rate. You must be 16 or over and please ask the bill payer’s permission. For full terms and conditions and more information, please visit