SUDEP and Seizure Safety


A free evidence based tool supporting Clinicians in discussing risk with people with epilepsy

It includes risk factors linked to epilepsy mortality, including (but not restricted to) Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)

With premature epilepsy deaths rising, and in fact doubling in pregnant women with epilepsy (pre pandemic), having positive conversations with patients about modifiable epilepsy risk factors is more vital than ever before.

Created by SUDEP Action and Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the tool is supported by a Development Group of leading experts in the field. The Project is funded by SUDEP Action and the bereaved families who support them; with the hope that this helps reduce the number of lives lost to Epilepsy each year.

The Checklist is freely available to any medically qualified clinician who supports people with epilepsy as part of their role

Please ensure you read the tool’s terms and conditions.

Please note that this is the adult Checklist which is only recommended for use with patients over 16 (transitioning to adult services), due to the research which underpins the tool. However SUDEP Action have also created a Paediatric specific version which you can find here.


Since its launch in 2017, the Checklist has:

  • been recognised (alongside SUDEP Action’s other core services) as ‘best practice’ for tackling epilepsy-related mortality by NHS RightCare in their Epilepsy Toolkit
  • Launched the Checklist in Australia as a collaboration with Epilepsy Action Australia
  • Published research which demonstrates that repeated use of the Checklist to review epilepsy risks with patients results in reduction of risks among people with epilepsy known to be at risk in previous appointments.
  • Won awards from the BMJ (2016, 2019), HSJ Patient Safety (2016), Epilepsy Foundation America SUDEP Innovation (2016), Healthcare IT (2016) and is an alumni of the NHS Innovation Accelerator Programme (2017-2019).

Free additional resources for clinicians and/or people with epilepsy:

  • Further Checklist information & resources can be found on the Checklist webpages. These can be used to tell other Clinicians, or your patients about the tool.
  • EpSMon is the NHS Innovation Accelerator supported epilepsy app, is also freely available to help your patients in self-managing their epilepsy in between appointments.
  • Patient & professional leaflets available freely should you like to order any for use in consultations.
  • The Clive Tracey Safety Checklist – tools for supporting the safety of people with a learning disability and autistic people with epilepsy in community and in-patient settings. See also our My Life with Epilepsy resources if you support this population with their epilepsy care.
  • BMJ ‘Quicktips’ session on SUDEP

If you would like to receive updates about the SUDEP and Seizure Safety Checklist and the latest information, free resources & research from SUDEP Action (via our quarterly clinician enews), please leave your details:

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